p h o u k a  h o m e i r i s h  l e s s o n s  h o m e

Book 2:


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54 55 56 57
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62 63 64 65
66 67 68 69
70 71 72 73
74 75 76 77
78 79 80 81
82 83 84 85
86 87 88 89
90 91 92 93


Exercise XLIV

&§ Aspirated sounds of b and m

The aspirated sounds of b and m are practically the same.

§ 267. b and m aspirated (i.e., or ḃ, ṁ or ) are pronounced as follows:—

When SLENDER (that is, next e or i) they are pronounced like v
When FINAL (at the end of a word) they are also pronounced like v.
In other cases, they are pronounced like w.

Examples and notes on local peculiarities will now be given.

§ 268. Words

agaiḃ (og'- ăv), at ye
liḃ (liv), with ye
siḃ (shiv), you, ye
linn (lin), with us
Gailliṁ (Gal'-iv), Galway
ḃí (vee), was, were
raiḃ (rev), was, were

§ 269. ḃí is the past tense of atá; as, atá sé óg, he is young; ḃí sé óg, he was young.

§ 270. Raiḃ (rev), was, were. Note (I) that raiḃ is pronounced irregularly, not (rav), see § 132, but (rev). The reason is that it was formerly spelled roiḃ, which would be pronounced (rev). (2) Raiḃ is never used except after such particles as , not, as ní raiḃ an bád ar an uisge, the boat was not on the water; or an, used in asking questions, as an raiḃ an cappal ag an doras? Was the horse at the door?

§ 271. In answering questions in Irish, no words like "yes" and "no" are used; as

An raiḃ Nóra ag an tobar? Ḃí.
Was Nora at the well? (she) was, i.e., Yes
An raiḃ Caṫal ag dul go Gailliṁ? Ní raiḃ.
Was Cahal going to Galway? (He) was not, i.e., No.

§ 272. Other examples

A ḃean ( ă-van), his wife; a ḃreac ( ă-vrak), his trout; a ṁic ( ă-vik) o, son!


note that
are not
necessarily pronounced
as in English

See § 13-16


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