p h o u k a  h o m e i r i s h  l e s s o n s  h o m e

Book I:


1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24
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29 30 31 32
33 34 35 36
37 38 39 40
41 42    


exercise XI

§ 90. Sounds of groups or vowels

In Irish, as in English, vowels are grouped together in three ways. (1) In the word ruin, the u and i are pronounced separately.; the u being pronounced distinctly and the i somewhat obscurely. The same may be said of the e and a in the word real. (2) In the word round the sounds of o and u melt into each other, forming what we call a diphthong. (3) In the word mean, the ea represents one simple vowel sound, like that of e in me. But as this one vowel sound is represented in writing by two letters, these two letters, ea, are called a digraph. Other digraphs are ai in main, ou in through, ae in Gaelic, ao in gaol, oa in goal, etc. We shall now examine the vowel-groups in Irish.

§ 91. Sounds of ia and ua

ia is pronounced ee-ă almost like ea in real
ua is pronounced oo-ă almost like ua in truant

Each vowel is pronounced separately, the second vowel being obscure.

§ Vocabulary

cuan (koo'-ăn), a harbour
Dia (dee-ă), God
fial (fee'-ăl), generous
fuar (foo'-ăr), cold
gual (goo'-ăl), coal
Niall (nee'-ăL), Niall
sgian (shgee'-ăn), a knife
siad (shee'-ădh), they
suas (soo'-ăs), up, upwards
uan (oo'-ăn), a lamb



note that
are not
necessarily pronounced
as in English

See § 13-16

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