Book I:
Intro |
exercise XXII
§146 Words
Máire |
(maur'-ĕ), Mary |
idir |
(id'-ir) between, Munster (id-ir') |
oileán |
(el'-aun), an island, Munster (el-ann') |
sgioból |
(shgib'-ōl), a barn, Munster (shgib-ōl') |
Uilliam |
(li-ee-am), William |
§ 147. Ins an oileán úr, "in the New Island", is often said for "in America"; also in Ameriocá (am-er'-i-kau).
§ 148. Anois (a-nish'), now, has the accent on the last syllable.
§ 149. Translate into English
- At á súiste ins an sgioból.
- Atá Máire ag obair ag an túirne.
- Níl Máire ag an doras, atá si ag dul sios do’n tobar.
- Atá an bád mór ag dul do’n oileán eile.
- Níl Peadar in Éirinn anois, atá sé ins an oileán úr, agus atá Conn agus Art leis.
- Ní an long ag an oileán, atá sí in Éirinn.
- Níl sí in Éirinn fós, atá sí ar an sáile.
- Atá fíon saor agus fíon daor in Éirinn, agus ins an oileán úr: atá an fíon saor ins an tír eile.
§150 Translate into Irish
- Nora and Mary are at the well; Mary is going down to the meadow with a pitcher, and Nora is at the barn.
- The grass is dry and heavy.
- The fresh grass is heavy yet; the dry grass is not heavy now.
- There is dry turf in the barn.
- Art is on the road now, he is not going to Kildare yet.,
- James is going to America and Nora is going with him.
- I am not going with you to the island.
- The salt-sea (sáile) is between Ireland and America.
- There is a long road between Kildare and Derry.
- Mary is not working now, the spinning-wheel is old and broken; the work is heavy, and Mary is not strong.
- William is not sick now; he is well (and) strong.

note that
as in English
See § 13-16 |