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Turin Canon King List

The Turin king list, from a series of papyrus fragments, lists most of the kings from the first dynasty through the second intermediate period. Many of the names are unfamiliar -- we're used to seeing the "Throne Name" of the king and the entries here are often personal names or epithets.

While the earlier dynasties are clearer from this list, I had a harder time linking this list into my pharaoh pages, and I'm sure i've messed up some of the names. Let me know!

The Roman numerals and reference numbers in the Turin Canon refer to the section and column in the papyrus, they do not refer to dynasties or kingdoms. The concept of dynasties and kingdoms is based on the writings of Manetho, and are purely for academic purposes -- the Egyptians themselves saw no such divisions.

The Kings listed from Turin includes:

Turin Canon II, 11 - III, 26/27

  1. II,11: Menes (Narmer)
  2. II,12:Iteti (Aha)
  3. II, 13:Iti (Djer)
  4. II, 15:Itiui (Djet)
  5. II,16: Semti (Den)
  6. II,17: Merbiapen (Anedjib) 74 years
  7. II,18: Semsem (Semerkhet) 72 years
  8. II,19: Kebehu (Qa'a) 63 years
  9. II,20:Baw-Netjer (Hotepsekhemwi) 95 years
  10. II,21: Kakaw (Reneb)
  11. II,22: Banetjer (Ninetjer) 95 years
  12. II,23: Unknown name, 54 years - may be Peribsen/Sekhemib
  13. II,24: Sened, 70? Years
  14. II,25: Aaka (?), possibly Neferkare
  15. III,1: Neferkasokar (?) 8 years 3 months
  16. III,2: /erased/, 1 year 8 months, 4 days (or 8 years 4 months)
  17. III,3: Bebti (Khasekhemwi), 27 years, 2 months, 1 day; his lifetime being 40 + X
  18. III,4: Nebka, 19 years
  19. III,5: Djoser-it (Netjerikhet), 19 years 1 month
  20. III,6: Djoser-ti (Sekhemkhet) 6 years
  21. III,7: /erased/ (Khaba?) 6 years
  22. III,8: Huni, 24 years
  23. III,9: Snofru, 24 years
  24. III,10: Kheops, 23 years
  25. III,11: Djedefre, 8 years
  26. III,12: Khefren, ? years
  27. III,13: Bakare (?), ? years
  28. III,14: Mykerinos, 18 years (possibly 28)
  29. III:15: Shepseskaf, 4 years
  30. III,16: Thampththis (Djedefptah) 2 years
  31. III,17: Userkaf, 7 years
  32. III,18: Sahure, 12 years
  33. III,19: Neferirkare
  34. III,20: Shepseskare, 7 years
  35. III,21: Neferefre, ? years
  36. III, 22: Niuserre, 10 + x years, possbly 11
  37. III,23: Menkauhor, 8 years
  38. III,24: Djed (probbaly Djedkare), 28 years
  39. III,25: Unas, 30 years

Turin Canon IV,1- IV,17

  1. IV,1: Teti, 6 months, 21 days
  2. IV,2: /lost/ possibly Userkare
  3. IV,3: Pepi I, 20 years (perceived to be an error)
  4. IV,4: Merenre I 44 years or 14 years
  5. IV,5: Pepi II, 90 years
  6. IV,6: Merenre II, 1 year and 1 month
  7. IV,7: /lost/
  8. IV,8: Nitocris
  9. IV,9: Neferka
  10. IV,10: Nefer, 2 years, 1 month, 1 day
  11. IV,11: Ibi, 4 years 2 months
  12. IV,12: /unknown/ 2 years, 1 day, 1 month
  13. IV,13: /unknown/, 1 year
  14. Otal 181 years 6 months 3 days, erased 6

Turin Canon IV,18 - V,10

  1. IV,18: Lost
  2. IV,19: Lost
  3. IV,20: Neferkare VII
  4. IV,21:Kheti
  5. IV,22:Seneh///
  6. IV,23: Lost
  7. IV,24: Meribre
  8. IV,25:Shed///
  9. IV,26: H///
  10. V,1-V,9: Other lost, .total being 18 kings

Turin Canon V,11 - V,18

  1. V,12:Mentuhotep I
  2. V,13: Antef I
  3. V,14: Antef II, 49 years
  4. V,15: Antef III, 8 (years?)
  5. V,16: Mentuhotep II, 51 years
  6. V,17: Mentuhotep III, 12 years
  7. 6 kings,

Turin Canon V,19-VI,3

  1. V,20: Amenemhet I
  2. V,21: Sesostris I, 45 years x months
  3. V,22: Amenemhet II, 1 or 10 years
  4. V,23: Sesostris II,1 or 19 years
  5. V,24: Sesostris III, 30 years
  6. V,25: Amenmeht III , 40 years
  7. VI,1: Amenmehat IV 9 years, 3 months, 27 days
  8. VI,2: Sobenefrurer, 3 years, 10 months, 24 days
  9. 8 kings 213 years, 1 month, 17 days

Turin Canon, VI,4 - X,13

  1. VI,5: Khutawire, 2 years, 3 months, 24 days
  2. VI,6:Sekhemkare 6 years
  3. VI,7:Amenemhat, 3 years
  4. VI,8:Sehetepibre II
  5. VI,9: Iufeni
  6. VI,10:Amenemhat VI
  7. VI,11:Smenkare
  8. VI,12: Sehetepibre III
  9. VI,13: Sewadjkare
  10. VI,14:Nedjemibre
  11. VI,15: Sebekhotep I
  12. VI,16: Renseneb
  13. VI,17: Hor I
  14. VI,18: Amenemhat VII
  15. VI,19,: Sobekhotep III
  16. VI,20 Khendjer
  17. VI,21: Imira-mesha
  18. VI,22: Antef IV
  19. VI,23: Seth
  20. VI,24 Sebekhotep III 1 year 1 month, 2 days
  21. Vi,25;Neferhotep I, 11 years 1 month
  22. VI,26 Sihathor
  23. VI,27: Sebekhotep IV
  24. VII,1 Sebekhotep V 4 years, 8 months, 29 days
  25. VII,2 Ia-ib, 10 years, 8 months, 28 days
  26. Vii,3 Merneferre 23 years, 8 months, 28 days
  27. VII,4 Ini I, 2 years, 2 months, 9 days
  28. VII,5 Sewadjtu, 3 years 2 months
  29. VII,6 VII,6 Ined, 3 years
  30. VII,7 Hori, 5 years (possibly 8 months
  31. VII,8 Sebekhotep VI, 2 years, possibly 4 months
  32. VII,9 Unknown
  33. VII,10 Lost
  34. VII,11-VII,12Unknown
  35. VII,13 Dedumes
  36. VII,14 Ibi II
  37. VII,15 Hor II
  38. Vii,16 Se//kare
  39. VII,17 Senebmiu
  40. VII,18-VII,19 Unknown
  41. VII,20 Sekhaenre I
  42. VII,21 unknown
  43. VII,22 Merkheperre
  44. VII,23 Merkare
  45. VIII,1Nehesi
  46. VIII,2 Khatire
  47. VIII,3 Nebfautre, 1 year, 5 months 15 days
  48. VIII,4 Sehebre 3 years, x months, 1 day
  49. VIII,5
  50. VIII,6 Sewadjkare, 1 year
  51. VIII,7 Neb. .re, 1 year
  52. VIII,8 Webenre
  53. VIII,9 Unknown
  54. VIII,10 Unknown, 4 years
  55. VIII,11 ..webenre
  56. VIII,12 Awtibre x years and 18 days
  57. VIII,13 Heribre
  58. VIII,14 Nebsenre 5 months 20 days
  59. VIII,15 unknown
  60. VIII,16 Sekheperenre 2 years
  61. VIII,17 Djedkherure 2 years
  62. VIII,18 Seankhibre
  63. VIII,19 Kanefertemre
  64. VIII,20
  65. VIII,21 Kakemure
  66. VIII,22 Neferibre
  67. VIII,23
  68. VIII,24
  69. VIII,25 Aakre
  70. VIII,26
  71. VIII,27
  72. IX,1 unknown
  73. IX,2-IX-6 unknown
  74. IX,7
  75. IX,8
  76. IX,9 Djed.
  77. IX,10-IX-13 unknown
  78. IX,14 Inenek
  79. IX,15 Ineb.
  80. IX,16 Ip.
  81. IX,17 Hab
  82. IX,18 Sa
  83. IX,19, Hepu
  84. IX,20 Shemsu
  85. IX,21 Meni
  86. IX,22 Werga..
  87. Ix,23 lost
  88. IX,24 unknown
  89. IX,25 .ka
  90. Ix,26 .ka
  91. IX,27 unknown
  92. IX,28 Hepu
  93. IX,29 Anati
  94. IX,30 Bebenem
  95. IX,31 unknown
  96. X,1 I.
  97. X,2 Seth
  98. X,3 Sunu
  99. X,4 Hor.
  100. X,5 lost
  101. X,6 unknown
  102. X,7 Nib///
  103. X,8 Meren
  104. X,9 Penenstetensepet
  105. X,10 Kherethaeb Shepesu
  106. X,11 Khat-hemet
  107. X,12 lost

Turin Canon X,14-X,21

  1. X,14 unknown
  2. X,15 unknown
  3. X,16 lost
  4. X,17 unknown
  5. X,18 lost
  6. X.19 lost
  7. X,20 Khamudi

Turin Canon X,22 - X,30

  1. X23 lost
  2. X,24 unknown
  3. X,25 Zeket.
  4. X,26 Ar.
  5. X,27-28 lost
  6. X,29 .nia

Turin Canon XI,1-XI,15

  1. XI,1, 3 years
  2. XI,2
  3. XI,3 Sekhemre S...
  4. XI,4 Sewadjenre
  5. XI,5 Nebiriawre, 29 years
  6. XI,6 Nebiretawre
  7. XI,7 Semenre
  8. XI,8 Seuserre., 12 years
  9. XI,9 Sekhemre Shedwaset
  10. XI,10 unkknown
  11. XI,11 unknown
  12. XI,12 unknown
  13. XI,13 unknown
  14. XI,14 unknown
  15. XI,15 summation
  16. Xi,16
  17. XI,17 User.


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