Information fileFEW persons now question the value of pamphlets, clippings, pictures, etc., as reference material, but many librarians find the care of this class of publications a great problem. It is agreed by those who have had experience that the alphabetic- subject file is the simplest, as well as the most practical and economical system for filing material of thig type. A subject word or heading is assigned to each piece, similar to that which is put on a card for a book. This special heading is written on the upper left-hand corner of each pamphlet or piece to be filed, and then all of the material is arranged under the headings in alphabetic order. The most satisfactory equipment to give quick reference in the use of such a collection is a vertical file, with proper guiding, as illustrated. This consists of pressboard guides and folders to contain the pamphlets and clippings. Beginning at the left, alphabetic guides occupy the first two positions. A miscellaneous folder containing pamphlets and clippings where there is just one of a kind occupies the third position, and individual folders occupy the fourth position. The latter are assigned to all subjects on which there are several pieces. The subject word is written on the tab of the individual folder. The alphabetical arrangement of pamphlets may also be carried out by the use of pamphlet boxes, without the guides and folders. There are several styles of boxes from which a selection may be made to suit requirements. " [extensive listing of pamphlets, books, articles for librarians and cataloguers omitted] |