h o u r s o f s u n l i g h t - a b e r d e e nDuring the planned weeks of our trip, here are the estimates times of sunrise and sunset in Aberdeen. The info is for:May 1999CTS Sunrise Sunset CTE Length 16 02:54 03:48 20:23 21:17 16:36 17 02:52 03:46 20:25 21:20 16:39 18 02:50 03:44 20:27 21:22 16:43 19 02:47 03:42 20:29 21:25 16:47 20 02:45 03:40 20:31 21:27 16:51 21 02:42 03:39 20:33 21:29 16:54 22 02:40 03:37 20:35 21:32 16:58 23 02:38 03:35 20:37 21:34 17:01 24 02:36 03:34 20:38 21:37 17:05 25 02:33 03:32 20:40 21:39 17:08 26 02:31 03:30 20:42 21:41 17:11 27 02:29 03:29 20:44 21:44 17:15 28 02:27 03:28 20:45 21:46 17:18 29 02:25 03:26 20:47 21:48 17:21 30 02:23 03:25 20:48 21:50 17:23 31 02:22 03:24 20:50 21:52 17:26
June 19991 02:20 03:22 20:51 21:54 17:29 2 02:18 03:21 20:53 21:56 17:32 3 02:16 03:20 20:54 21:58 17:34 4 02:15 03:19 20:55 22:00 17:36 5 02:13 03:18 20:57 22:02 17:39 6 02:12 03:17 20:58 22:04 17:41 7 02:11 03:16 20:59 22:05 17:43 8 02:09 03:16 21:00 22:07 17:45 CTS is Civil Twilight Start, CTE is Civil Twilight End