I also blurt out random things on the blog
Trips to Egypt, Scotland, Paris, and Ireland
with a few thousand photos and more
information than you can shake a stick at.
Planning, travelogue, photos, links.
Turn-of-the-century household management, etiquette, science, and social advice. Interesting views of 19th century sensibilties. Interesting and...amusing.
Kingdom by kingdom, dynasty by dynasty - every Pharaoh from Menes to Cleopatra, in ocd-like detail.
Learning Irish Gaelic (Gaeilge) resources
and links, the sounds or Irish, and a few antique courses
Our old house adventures, plus info on how
to deal with plaster walls, brick houses,
and old house living. Why I am an old-house
bigot, and more (hopefully) useful info.
http://www.iaomc.org noorinfo.com
Finding and picking a puppy, how much
it costs, and what you
should (and should not!) feed your dog.
A strange collection of strange stuff seating charts for royalty, how to
wear a kilt, victorian
etiiquette rules