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New York to San Francisco via the "Overland Limited"

1st day Leave New York by the New York Central " Twentieth Century Limited" or Pennsylvania Special.
2d day Chicago. Arrive in the forenoon, and leave in the evening
3d day Omaha. Arrive in the morning
4th day Ogden. Arrive in the afternoon by the Union Pacific Railroad
5th day San Francisco. Arrive in the evening by the Southern Pacific Railroad.
  Actual running time between New York and San Fran- cisco about eighty-six hours. The shortest time made between the two cities was by the Jarrett & Palmer Theatrical Company, shortly after the opening of the Union Pacific Railroad, making the total distance of 3,257 miles in less than three days and a half.

The " Overland Limited " from San Francisco to New York.

1st day Leave San Francisco in the morning by the Southern Pacific Railroad.
2d day Ogden. Arrive in the afternoon.
3d day Omaha. Arrive in the evening by the Union Pacific Railroad.
4th day Chicago. Arrive in the morning, leave in the afternoon.
5th day New York. Arrive in the forenoo


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