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Great Lakes and Yellowstone Park Route

1st day Leave New York by the "Empire State Express" for Niagara Falls. Time about nine hours.
2d day Niagara Falls. Spend the morning visiting the Falls, and leave by afternoon train for Buffalo, where the fast steamers leave every week for Duluth, through Lakes Erie, St. Clair, Huron and Superior.
3d day Cleveland, Ohio, and Detroit, Mich., are made in the morning, and in the afternoon the steamer passes northward through the picturesque Lake St. Clair and the flats — Ontario, Canada, being on the right hand and the State of Michigan on the left
4th day Mackinac Island, the popular lake resort of the Central States, is touched at, and "the Soo" Canal is passed. The tonnage which passes through this canal, the locks of which are the largest in the world, in the course of a year exceeds that of the Suez Canal
5th day Duluth, Minn., is reached in the evening, the steamer stopping in the morning at Houghton, in the famous copper-mining region, and the day being spent on Lake Superior.
6th day St. Paul, Minn, (four hours by rail from Duluth), the great grain capital of the Northwest. Travelers not caring for the trip by steamboat from Buffalo to Duluth can reach St. Paul at the same time by leaving New York four days later and making the entire journey by rail. Leave St. Paul by night train.
7th day En route through the great wheat country of Dakota, reaching the Yellowstone National Park in about thirty hours.
8th day
In the Yellowstone National Park, which covers 3,312 square miles. Coaches run so as to include the principal sights, — the Geysers, the Lake and the Grand Canon of the Yellow- stone. The Park is national property, and there " is excellent accommodation for visitors.
14th day
Portland, Ore., forty-five hours by rail from the Yellowstone Park. A handsome city on the Columbia River, which is navigable as far as The Dalles. There is also a fine view from the city, of Mount Hood, 11,225 feet high.
17th day
San Francisco, Cal., thirty-six hours by rail from Portland. One of the most beautiful railroad rides in the States. Leaving Portland by night, Mount Shasta is in view the entire next day.

Same Route, San Francisco to New York.

1st day
2d day
Leave San Francisco by night train for Ported " land. This will give the traveler a fine view of Mount Shasta.
3d day
Portland, Ore., the picturesque capital of the State of Oregon. An excursion can be made up the Columbia River to The Dalles, and return by rail.
5th day
En route, through the States of Washington and Montana, to the Yellowstone Park, about forty-five hours by rail.
7th day
In the Yellowstone National Park. This is national property, and comprises an area of 3,312 square miles. Hotel accommodation for tourists is excellent, and stages run so as to in- elude the principal sights, which are the Upper and Lower Geyser Basins, the Lake, the Grand Canon and Falls of the Yellowstone.
13th day St. Paul, capital of Minnesota, is reached in about thirty hours by rail from the Park.
14th day Duluth, at the head of Lake Superior, where steamers are taken for Buffalo.
15th day Steamer touches at Houghton, the chief port for the great copper mines of the neighborhood
16th day Passing through "the Soo" Canal, Mackinac Island, the chief lake resort, is reached by evening.
17th day On Lake Huron and through the picturesque St. Clair flats and the lake, we reach Detroit in the forenoon, and Cleveland, the Garden City of Lake Erie, in time for dinner.
18th day Buffalo. Arrive in the morning, and spend the day at Niagara Falls. Leave by late afternoon train for New York.
19th day New York. Ten hours from Niagara Falls.

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