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Nova Scotia, Maritime Provinces and the Gulf of St Laurence

1st day Leave New York by Sound Line for Boston. The steamers of this service are floating hotels, and the trip is most enjoyable.
2d day Boston. Arrive early in the morning, and leave by Eastern Steamship Company's vessel for St. John, N.B. Some of the steamers of this line go direct to St. John, others touch at Portland, Me., and skirt the coast, calling at East- port, at the mouth of the Bay of Fundy.
3d day St. John, N.B., is the most important city in the lower British Provinces; well situated at the mouth of the St. John River — the Hudson of Canada.
4th day Leave St. John by steamer across the Bay of Fundy (whose tidal water, at its head, rises forty feet), for Digby. Travelers can leave New York in the summer a day later by the Dominion Atlantic Company's steamship to Yarmouth, N.S., thence by rail to Digby, and make the same time. Digby is a very pretty summer resort and fishing town at the foot of that most charming sheet of water, Annapolis Basin, near its outlet to the Bay of Fundy, and well worth stopping at overnight, especially if, coming from St. John, the voyage across the bay has been a rough one
5th day Wolfville (five hours by rail from Digby), the home of Longfellow's " Evangeline," situated in the Annapolis Valley and commanding fine views of Mount Blomidon, Minas Basin, the Grand Pre meadows, the heart of Acadia. Across the Frazer River are immense apple orchards which supply the London markets.
6th day
Halifax, N.S. (three hours from Wolfville by express train). The grim old fortress city has many attractions. There is generally a British man-of-war in the harbor to be visited, and the garrison of redcoats gives the town a thoroughly British air.
8th day
Leave Halifax for Baddeck, Cape Breton, by rail for Grand Narrows, thence by ferry (time about ten hours). The town has a splendid water-front on the Bras d'Or Lakes. The headland is the property of Professor Bell, of telephone fame, and there are many fine residences along the shore drive.
10th day
Charlottetown, P.E.I., via rail to Pictou, thence steamer (time about ten hours) . The attractive and interesting capital of a prosperous island. Tracadie Beach, sixteen miles from Charlotte- town by rail, is well worth a visit.
12th day Leave Charlottetown by the Quebec Steamship Company's steamer for Quebec. The steamer leaves only once a fortnight, so the traveler must arrange his itinerary accordingly. The voyage to Quebec via the Gulf and River St. Lawrence is a very interesting one, as the steamer skirts the shore, touching at several small ports. In case of fog, the coast is amply supplied with fog-horns and guncotton explosive signals. The chief feature of the trip is the Perce' Rock, off the Bay of Chaleur. This huge mass of red sandstone is 1,500 feet long, and towers 290 feet above the sea.
17th day Arrive Quebec, P.Q., the citadel city of the St. Lawrence, and the most interesting of all the cities of Canada, a strange mixture of seventeenth- century French and nineteenth-century English in its architecture, the arrangement of . its streets, and the speech and habits of its people. One of the most delightful memories for a lifetime will be the impression made by the first sight of Quebec, from the deck of the steamboat as she rounds the island of Orleans.
18th day Leave Quebec by rail through the Crawford Notch, for Portland — a glorious trip when the foliage on the White Mountains is turning. Time, twelve hours. Boston can be reached by rail the same evening.
19th day New York. Arrive by midnight train from Boston.


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