This selection is very good on account of the excellent study that it will form for time as well as bowing. The quarter note is frequently divided into 3 parts of time, triplets, and in he same measure also into the using two parts of time.
You must at the beginning count differently for the measures in which the quarter note has been differently divided, but if your ear is good enough, you need only count or divide a measure into 4 parts of time, and do the subdividing with your bow or with your hand only, trusting your ear. In the 1st staff, you must divide a measure into 16 counts or beats, if you are not quite certain when to play the 16th notes. Play two notes with the same direction of the bow but making a short stop before the 16th is played. In the 1st measure of the 2nd staff, you have triplets and the 1st beat is a rest. Begin with a down-bow and count: 1 & & 2 & &. In the 2nd measure, you may keep on counting in the same manner, but you will have to play the 16th notes after having said the 2nd "&". When you play the last staff, you should be particular about giving a slight accent to the 1st note of every triplet. N.B. When writing always mention instrument. Confine your questions to ONE LESSON ONLY. Give name of lesson, number of staff, number of measure, and be brief. Give full name and address. |