This is a lively and brilliant march and excellent bowing study and will get you familiar with the key of Bb.
WHen the signature has 2 blats, the piece may be written in either the key of Bb or G minor. What shows you that this piece is not written in G minor, is that the end, the last measure of the 8th staff is the note Bb, and besides if it were written in G minor, you would find an accidental before the note F, very frequently because in the scale of G minor, the 7th degree must be raised a half tone. A change of key occurs for the Trio which is written in D. You know that a dot over a note takes half of its time value and 8th notes are therefore played as 16th followed by 16th rests, staccato. Use the upper part of the bow but do not leave the string to stop between the notes. You take the bow slightly off the string for the rest because the 2nd group of 3 notes should again be started with a down-bow. For the quarter notes, you must use about half of the length of the bow. Two 8th notes in the 4th measure which are slurred, must be played with an up-bow in order to be able to play the 1st beat of the following measure with a down-bow. At the end of the 3rd staff, you find small notes which you will not play unless you have had instruction in the 3rd position. You may feel inclined to play some parts of this march very loud and when you do that, you must produce the foulness of tone by pressing the bow stick firmly, just enough to use the full width of the bow hair. If you are always careful to use only the outer edge of the bow hair for soft passages to such that must be played medium loud, you will always be able to get the desired effect or strength of tone by pressing a little harder, by using more of the bow-hair. N.B. When writing always mention instrument. Confine your questions to ONE LESSON ONLY. Give name of lesson, number of staff, number of measure, and be brief. Give full name and address. |