You may have the opportunity to join an orchestra and the one who has charge of the orchestra may play first violin, when you will be asked, "Can you play second?"
There are too many violin players who are not able to play second violin. A good many are silly enough to consider it almost degrading to play second violin. Let us tell you right here that good second violin players are scarce. This lesson will prepare you to play good second violin. You are not expected to "second" without notes. It can only be done for the very easiest grade of music and then only at a guess. For dance music, it is generally relatively easy because, as a rule, two notes are only to be played which for a part of a chord and the same ones occur almost in every piece. In No.1 we give you a simple accompaniment to a simple melody played on the D and G string. Avoid cutting the notes short. Do not play staccato. There should be no stop between a down-bow and an up-bow. You must regulate the movement of the right forearm very carefully. Use about one third, the lower par4t of the bow, and play the same exercise using the middle third of the bow, also the upper part. In the 5th measure, you have to play C and G for which you use the 3rd finger only on two strings, you m must therefore give you particular attention to these two notes and in general to the user of one fingers on two strings. A little more difficult position occurs in the last measure but one, D and F#, the lower D on the G string with the 4th finger. No.2 does not begin on the 1st beat. Begin with an up-bow. Practice this exercise for some time, otherwise you will get into trouble when you play exercise4 No. 3 which is exceedingly easy when played in slow time but difficult for fast movements such as a gallop. COunt aloud always. In No.2 you get an accompaniment in broken chords. Such an accompaniment will be more adapted for a slower melody, a song for instance. The 5th exercise introduces the dotted note. The measure marked B shows you how you play. By comparing A and B you will comprehend that many abbreviations are used because it would require a great amount of notes and rests to show just how one should play. Nos.. 6 - 11 are not continuous exercises. Practice one of these double stops like No.2 or No. 3. The crosses denote merely more difficult double stops. Chords with 3 or 4 notes are always played with a down-bow beginning on the lowest note and sweeping over all of the strings, and the two lower notes get only a short stroke while the higher ones get their full time value. |