The scale study in D should first be played without paying any attention to the slurs, changing the movement of the bow for every note.
WHen learned well in this manner the notes under a slur must be played with one movement of the bow. The last note which is dotted is played like a 32nd followed by a 32nd rest. Although this exercise is written in 16ths you must not attempt to play it fast at once. Learn to name the intervals viz:- D-E-F#-G-A-B-C#-D. No. 2 gives you a scale with the same signature but beginning on B. It is generally called the relative minor of D. Get your ear thoroughly familiar with the peculiar melody of this scale, by naming the intervals viz:- B-C#-D-E-F#-G-A-B/ No.3 is a little piece written in the key of B minor. Before playing it, you will be able to tell that it is not in the key of D for two reasons: the last chord, the notes D and B are part of the chord B minor, and the other reason is that the note A is continuously raised by an accidental. It is the leading note of B minor, the 7th degree. The bowing is not difficult. Begin an uneven group of notes with an up-bow. The 4th finger must reach further than usual to play A# on the D string. For the 3rd staff the part of the 2nd violin is printed also in order to show you the reason for the rests. Count six for every measure, speaking 1 and 4 louder. The least measure but one is to be started with a down-bow. N.B. When writing always mention instrument. Confine your questions to ONE LESSON ONLY. Give name of lesson, number of staff, number of measure, and be brief. Give full name and address. |