Fayoum Oasis
The fayoum is the largest oasis in Egypt, and is a
popular spot for Egyptians hoping to escape the crowded
city. Most of the activity is centered on Lake Qarun,
a surprisingly huge lake for a desert oasis. The lake
was created by natural flooding about 70,000 years
ago and was connected to the Nile by canals in the
12th dynasty to drain some of the marshes for agriculture.
Fayoum is not an oasis in the typical sense -- it
is not fed by springs from below, but is instead a
salt-water lake, about 215 sq km, although it is only
12 meters deep. The water levels have been falling
continuously, although the High Dam has stablized
the supply of water ot the lake in recent years. Even
so, the water is too salty to support any freshwater
fish. We did not go swimming -- it was still a bit
cool for any of the hotels ot open their private beaches
(well, too cool for the Egyptians!), but I have been
told that it is like swimming in the Dead Sea on a
small scale.
Note that it is possible for tourists to swim in the
lake -- it is declared free of the horrid little creature
that causes bilharzia. There is also a daily camel
market (early in the morning) that can be a hoot.
We were a bit too early, but ask for the Birqash Camel
Market for an interesting experience.
The city of Fayoum (Medinat el-Fayoum) is a fairly
unappetizing place, to be honest, but the coast is
nice. It's being overbuilt tremendously with new spiffy
hotels and remains lined with older, more shabby hotels.
We had lunch at the Auberge du Lac, which boasts a
beautiful view.

the fields near fayoum, with the pyramid in
the distance
The old name of the area is Crodilopolis (quite obviously
because of the crocodiles, now long gone), and the
area around Fayoum is dotted with ancient sites. There
are four pyramid sites around the city: Lahun, Hawara,
El-Lisht, and Maidum. The last is chronologically
unconnected to the others, but is the site of a spectacular
collapsed pyramid and mastabas.
Pharaohs of the third dynasty were buried in the necropolis
of Saqqara, but Sneferu, the first king of the fourth
dynasty, moved his funerary complex first to the desert
in Maidum, near the fayoum oasis, and then to the
pyramid field at Dashur. Why he built three pyramids
is a mystery (a few theories include the failure of
the first two, or simply a long enough reign to create
a bunch), but his first effort here at Maidum is well
known for its collapse.