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Before you begin this study you should name the scale of E minor several time viz: E-F#-G-A-B-C#-D#- and E, ascending, and E-D natural-C natural-B-A-G-F# and E, descending; then play it several times naming each interval as played.
THsi lesson is essentially a bowing and time study. COunt from 1 to 8 and say "&" after every count. You will have 16 words, 1 for every possible 16th note. Give the longer notes their correct time value, play the 2 measures only using the E of the 3rd measure as the end note. The bowing of the 1st measure must be carefully studied and when a passage marked in the same manner occurs again in this study or in any other piece, you will be able to play it without hesitation. A dot placed over or under a note takes half of its time value from it. These dots save the trouble of writing the note as a shorter one and the printing of a rest. A tie or slur with dots underneath signify that the shortest possible time should be taken from the note, just an exceedingly short stop of the bow without leaving the string. This is generally called semi-staccato. In the 2nd measure notes are marked with a dash. This sign or mark takes three quarters of the time value from a note. A 16th note is played as a 64th and with a little more pressure of the bow. WHen the two measures have been learned thoroughly, you proceed to the 3rd measure. You find a different time division of the quarter note: it is divided into triplets.. What you must avoid, is the change of speed while changing the manner of counting. You must count now: 1 & &-2 & &-3 & &-4 & &, 12 words or counts. Use generally the middle part of the bow for this study. Give about a third of the bow to quarter notes, for instance the E in the 2nd measure. This study is also an illustration of the melodic minor scale in which the 6th and 7th degrees are raised by an accidental but not in the downward runs. Every musical student should read some musical literature. There are many musical monthly publications that contain pieces and interesting reading matter. Subscribe for one. The "Cadenza" is one of them. On Receipt of $1.00 it will be mailed for one year. N.B. When writing always mention instrument. Confine your questions to ONE LESSON ONLY. Give name of lesson, number of staff, number of measure, and be brief. Give full name and address. |