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Andante means somewhat slow and sedate;' con moto means with motion, therefore andante con moto means a little bit faster than andante.
This Fantasie begns in the key of D minor with one flat in the signature, it will therefore be advisable to play and name the scale of D minor viz: D-E-F-G-A-Bb-C#-D, both ascending and descending, several times before beginning. There is no music given here for this scale, but you are expected to play it as directed above WITHOUT music. Cantando means in a "singing style". THe piece is written in common time, therefore you count 4 to each measure; f means loud. Begin in 2 up-strokes of the bow on the 4th count; play the 1st and 3rd beats staccato. In the 8th measure you play 2 triplets on 3rd and 4th counts, the first of which is slurred to the half note and therefore is played with a down-bow. The last 5 notes of the triplets are played with 5 up-strokes of the bow (slurred staccato). Care must be taken here that the hair of the bow does not leave the strings, and that the strokes are short and even and that a distinct rest (a silence) is observed between each of the notes and do not allow the bow to quiver. Grace notes need not be played at all, at first, but are to be put in after the piece is well learned, as they are merely ornamental and borrow what little time they require from the note coming after. In the first 2 measures of the 3rd staff, you have 4 groups of triplets to play with one stroke of the bow, which are marked dim., meaning to gradually diminish the tone from loud to soft. Dolce means softly, sweetly. The wedge-like signs mean, when pointed to the right, to diminish the tone and when pointed to the left, to swell or increase it. There is work enough in the 1st 5 staves of this piece to keep you busy for this week and perhaps longer, therefore we will reserve the balance of this solo for your next lesson. N.B. When writing always mention instrument. Confine your questions to ONE LESSON ONLY. Give name of lesson, number of staff, number of measure, and be brief. Give full name and address. |