This is a beautiful hymn with nice easy variations and written in one of the most brilliant keys for the violin (key of A major). Before you begin playing this piece, you should practice the scale studies in A major thoroughly.
The signature of this selection is F#-C#-G#. It is written in the key of A taken from the scale of A. You must use the 1st 3 staves to regulate your bowing. Start from the principle that you will need at least the full length for one measure. The tempo for this selection is slow: andante cantibile, singing like. Count: 1 & 2 & , and begin on 3. As this piece should be played slowly, you will give the full length of the bow to a half note or its equivalent in time: begin therefore at the point and use the whole length of the bow for the two notes. You will be at the frog for the 1st measure. The 1st measure is the one that is complete, not the half measure of starting notes. Count: 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & for the 2nd measure although there are only 4 notes and to be played. Give each note 2 words or counts. In the 2nd measure, 3 notes are to be played to one movement of the right hand. In the 11th measure the 1st dotted quarter note must be given about 2/3 of the bow and the following 8th note is played with just as much but the bow must move 3 times as fast, otherwise you would not be able to play the longer note that follows properly. You should begin to understand now why there is not a rule that can always be followed, why you cannot be told that whole notes are played with the whole length of the bow, half notes with the half, etc. Do not play yet. Think this over. The 1st variation is marked "poco piu moto" which means: a little more motion (a little quicker). It begins on the last half of the measure because the last measure of the hymn contained only a half note or 2 counts, therefore the variation has the other two counts (3 & 4 &) written as starting notes. The 1st four 8th notes are slurred and are played with an up-bow from point to middle followed by 2 slurred notes and 2 staccato near the middle of the bow. Little else need be said about this variation except that where the long slurs occur use a half bow stroke for each half measure paying attention to the staccato marks. The 2nd and last variation is marked "brilliant" and must therefore be played much faster than the balance of the piece. In this variation the quarter note is divided into 3 parts of time. The groups of 3 notes are called triplets. To play in good time you must count one for each group of three. Use the upper third of the bow for a triplet of 3 slurred notes and play the dotted 8th notes with a short stroke of the bow (staccato) using probably a little over an inch of the bow for each. Observe that the dots make a short stop between the notes. N.B. When writing always mention instrument. Confine your questions to ONE LESSON ONLY. Give name of lesson, number of staff, number of measure, and be brief. Give full name and address. |