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No. 1 is only given to show how sharps
and flats look. You have none to play for the present.
The oval marked F on the E string represents the place where the first fingertip must be placed to play F. By doing this, you simply make the strings shorter, you stretch it tighter and produce a sound that is a half-tone higher. F is only a half tone higher than E. You will only have to splay three notes on the E string besides E, the open string. They are F, G, and A. The second, third and fourth notes of the No. 2. A string is called open when it is used in its full length from the not to the bridge. An "O" placed over a notes simply means that an open string must be used, and is merely printed as a caution. G is a whole tone higher than F, therefore the second finger is placed on the string about an inch from F. The nearer to the bridge a finger presses a string, the highre the sound. Count always alouod while playing. A curved line, a slur or tie over two notes signifies that they m ust be played with one movement of the bow. Use the full length (if able) and be careful to give each half note just half of it. Put the finger down for the second note at the very moment that you say "three", and be sure to be at the middle of teh bow. This is not easy. Take your time. If you do not count carefully you will not take the fingers off at the proper time when open strings occur. A bracket over a note indicates a down-bow. A "V" an up-bow. "D" means down-bow and "U" up-bow. Play whole notes with the hole bow, and be sure that you do not count faster for those measures. No. 3 contains the same melody, but in 3/4 time (waltz time.) A dot to the right of a note adds half ot its time, and when two notes of the same name are connected by a tie it signifies that they are to be played like one note with one movement of the bow, but taking up the time of both of the notes. No. 4 illustrates this. The sign in the 1-th measure of the first staff, of No.3, is a repeat mark, an abbreviation. Repeat the 9th measure. The quarter notes which are slurred to the halves must be played with the same length of the bow, but the right hand must of course move twice as fast. Practice this carefully.