
16th century


NT 200 332
6m sw of Peebles
s og A72
at Posso


private site



Posso Castle

just a stub of a wall in a farmer's field

16th century tower

Well, it would be a tower, if more of it remained. Only a tiny shard of a wall stands, and you can see the foundation walls around it, but that's about it. It stands in a walled pasture near a farmhouse, and we only spied it from the road.

Fairly substantial remains existed as late as 1838, but the walls have been systematically destroyed ever since (possibly for building, possibly just by wind and weather).

The foundations show a tower that measured 9.4m x 7.5m, enclosed in a large courtyard measuring some 24m square. Cellars might exist under the current ground level, but they are much collapsed.


The land was granded by Robert III to Thomas Baird. The Bairds of Posso owned the castle and surrounding lands, and passed by marriage to the Nesmiths in the 16th century. They lived in the tower until the 18th century.

The tower was ruined by 1775, replaced by a nearby manor house. Only fragments remain. If you didn't know it was a castle, you might think it's just the stump of a tree.

just a lovely green picture of a farm pasture and the rising hills