
16th century
tower house
aka Corehouse


NS 882 414
1.5m s of Lanark
s of A72
on the shores
of the Clyde


exterior view only


Cora Linn falls
Community Walk



Hidden behind ivy, and ominously sign-posted as a bat habitat, this little castle overlooks the Falls of Clyde.

If you didn't know it was there, you'd walk right by

16th Century Tower House

Thie remains of this castle aren't really accessible - they are on a small promontory overlookig the Clyde river. It's a great place for a castle -- unapproachable from three sides unless you scale the falls, and with only a flat frontage facing the road behind a big ditch.

The wall on the landward side is thick (1.4m), and fronts a large courtyard. If you hop over the wall, you can see the vaulted basement and kitchens through a gap in the wall, but the castle is not really accessible, so we woudln't really see much without bothering the bats.

All you can see of the walls thorugh the trees


The castle here was the property of Kelso Abbey, and purchased to the Bannatyne family in 1400, then to the Somervilles in 1695.

Mary, Queen of Scots slept here (seroiusly, did this woman just go from one castle to the next and spend a single night? Maybe she travelled like we do, hm.) in 1568.

Is has belonged to the Cranstouns since the 19th century.